Expand Globally

GOD’s Promise of fulfillment expands our Vision to see beyond our city to the opportunities around the world. As our worldview is expanded by the Holy Spirit we can recognize how Jesus is using each one of us as individual believers to advance His Kingdom in our world.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells us that we receive the Power of His Holy Spirit so that we can be witnesses to Him in four strategic areas of our lives: Jerusalem (Our City), Judea (Our Community), Samaria (Our Neighbors), and the ends of the earth (Our World).

Get Involved In the Mission

Learning how to shine the Light and Love of Jesus in each of these strategic areas can seem overwhelming, so this is why we offer our Mission 101 classes each Semester. These classes are designed to equip you to live On-Mission in any of the fields where Jesus has given us responsibility, both here at home and around the world.