Get Spiritually Developed
GOD’s Promise of redemption is where everything in our spirit and our soul is repurposed by His Spirit. Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen… it’s the result of an intentional pursuit of Jesus. As we grow Spiritually, we begin to recognize the areas of our lives that we’re holding back from Jesus. This begins His Process of Redemption that repurposes us to be more like Him.
Development Month
The third month of every Semester is all about being developed as a believer. During Development Month we offer our Spiritual Development class which is designed to help you begin growing Spiritually. Each class is designed to stand alone, and you can even try out different classes in each of the four areas throughout the month. You don’t have to worry about missing anything, because the same classes will be offered in the next Semester.

Live Free Classes
Our Live Free small group is designed for new believers, seasoned saints, or anyone who wants to experience Spiritual growth. We offer this 8-week group every Semester, and you can jump in at anytime.