Get Started In Learning

GOD’s Promise of rescue begins with some very important questions every believer should ask: Who Is Jesus to me? Who am I because of Jesus? What is His Calling on my life? It’s only when we realize Who He truly Is that we can begin to understand our own idenity, and only then can we truly accept His Calling on our life. This isn’t an experience, this is a journey, and every journey is filled with intentional steps. Salvation is our journey of next steps. 

Taking Your Next Step

Answering these questions begins in our lives through our connection with a community of believers, or a church. One of the primary responsibilities of a biblical church is to help each individual answer these questions through the lens of the Word of GOD. We do this through short video lessons, small groups, one-on-one Bible studies, and a lot more! Use the link below to start your journey.