Get Started In Prayer

Prayer: It’s like the ultimate chat with Jesus.

Jesus wants a real relationship with you, and that includes talking things out. Prayer isn’t just about throwing wishes at the sky… it’s about having a conversation with Jesus, your best friend. The more you chat, the more you’ll see the world differently and how your faith shapes your life journey.

Wanna level up your prayer game?

Our Prayer Room is open every Monday night from 6:30-7:30p. It’s a chill zone for group prayer meetings, Bible study, or just some quiet one-on-one time with Jesus. You can even schedule a personal chat with one of our pastors for some extra guidance. Click the link to book a Prayer Ministry appointment or send in a prayer request.


Schedule Prayer Ministry
Click here to schedule you one-on-one Prayer Meeting with one of our Pastors.

Prayer Request
Click here to submit your Prayer Request to our Prayer Team.